The Never Ending Realm — Since 2003.
We’re old-school gamers (16-bit generation).
Originally a Tripod site, The Never Ending Realm has finally moved to its own domain! Woo hoo.
The Never Ending Realm is your source for current gaming news, reviews, and unique retro gaming content.
Samuel Rivera founded NER in 2003. He’s an avid gamer who has been playing since Mario and Luigi were pallet swaps. While he has a passion for JRPGs, he also plays the occasional shooter like Halo and Gears of War. If a game is good, he’ll play it.
For technical stuff, marketing, editing and the occasional article, Mont Cessna, Jr. helps out as co-editor. He’s been playing games since he discovered SMB on the NES at his grandmother’s house almost 30 years ago. FPS have been one of his passions since playing Marathon on the Macintosh 20 years ago. Doom is fine too :). Mont is also a deep fan of tactical games, RPGs, JRPGs and strategy games (both real-time and turn-based).
Read on and enjoy! The site is still very much a work in progress and always accepting original content. Email us at
Never Ending Realm is owned and operated by Freeland Media LLC.
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