So, given that I spent the last month writing a The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time piece for its 25th anniversary, I decided to give other 1990s games some love. Today, I am remembering, and listing the most memorable Storylines from turn-based RPGs that I played during the magical 16 bit – 32 bit…
Tag: Xenogears
Throwback Bit Thursday: 1998 For a JRPG Fan!
So, it is hard to believe, but it has been a quarter century since 1998. I have very fond memories, perhaps my fondest memories, as a gamer are from that year. While most of my time was spent playing (oh blessed days!) WCW/NWO Revenge, Ocarina of Time, and Golden Eye. I did play some JRPGs…
Top Five JRPGs I Wish To Replay But Will Likely Never Get Around to Play Again
The married and parenting life has many positives, but hours on end of gaming time is not among these positive perks. There comes a time in life when one comes to the sad (tragic really) realization that there are some beloved games that one will never be able to play again to their completion. It…
TBT: Five Critically Underrated 32-Bit Era JRPGs
Generally speaking, the mid to late 1990s are considered the golden age of the Japanese Role Playing game genre. High Quality JRPGs flooded the PlayStation in quantities not seen since on any system. Amongst the sea of stars, some of these titles were poorly received by critics despite the fact that they were quite good…
Top 5 JRPGs That Deserved, but Didn’t Get a Sequel
This one was a fun article to write and one that required a great deal of thought. The 1990s were filled with JRPGs, and most titles of the era received sequels…even within the span of a year or two after the release of the first game in their respective series. The games listed here are…
Five of the Most Underrated JRPG Villains Ever
Our top 5 list of underrated JRPG heroes was quite popular last week. So this week, we have decided to rate the most underrated villains within the genre. Like the previous list, this ranking isn’t the ultimate authority on deciding which villains are the best underrated characters. Best lists, by nature, are largely subjective and…
32-Bit Nostalgia: The Best PlayStation JRPGs That You Can Play Today!
Greetings! Never Ending Realm readers! As we approach the year’s end, and consequently the year 2022, I have begun to feel a bit nostalgic about years that have come and gone. Video games have been a part of my most nostalgic moments, and lately, I have been thinking about 32-bit games that I truly enjoyed…
Top Five JRPGs that Should Be Remade/Remastered
Japanese Role-Playing Game fans have been on fire lately on social media given the news/rumors of an upcoming Chrono Cross Remake/Remaster. Many of these fans cried tears of joy at the news, while others swallowed the bitter pill of disappointment, as their favorite JRPG didn’t get the ‘remake’ call. Thus, we have compiled a list…
The Top Ten All-Time Best JRPGs According To Never Ending Realm
For the past few months, I have compiled several ‘Top 1-5″ and “Top 6-10” lists chronicling nearly every genre from nearly every console around. Most of these lists have used Metacritic as the barometer for the ranking system. Today, however, I am feeling bold, and a bit biased. So, I will risk the ire of…
The Top Five PlayStation J-RPGs According to Gamers (Metacritic)
Not too long ago, we did a list of the best PlayStation J-RPGs according to critics. Today, we are ranking the best PlayStation J-RPGs once again, but this time we are ranking them according to the games’ “User Scores”. Disclaimer:Â We are ranking the games based on their average global user score rating on Metacritic. It…