So, I had to travel to the US mainland last week. I don’t like plane rides much, I find them nerve wracking, and at times, eternal. Thus, my Nintendo Switch presents the perfect escape for such occasions. Because I have a launch Switch, I only get 3- 3 1/2  good hours of gaming (depending on…
Tag: Bethesda
The Top 5 RPGs I Must Replay Now and Then
Last week, I wrote a column about the JRPGs that I would like to replay some day, but most likely would never get around to replaying for a variety of reasons. Today, I will list a completely opposite collection of games. These are RPGs (not all are JRPGs) that I must replay every 1-2 years….
Spencer: 2022 Was Too Light on (Xbox) Games 2023 Will Be Better
At this point, for at least a decade, it has been established that Sony, and its PlayStation brand, are the home of the best exclusive content, and AAA single player games. On the other hand, Microsoft (and Xbox) has the best game’s service app in its Game Pass platform. Still, Sony continues to win the “console…
Starfield Leads a New Wave of 2023 Xbox and Game Pass Games
Over the last 5 years or so, Microsoft has signed and bought studios left and right in an effort to close the gap between itself and Sony in terms of exclusive content, focusing primarily on growing its Game Pass Subscription model. The bulk of these efforts has yet to pan out, but with 2023 ever drawing…
Mainline Final Fantasy Games to Remain PlayStation Exclusive For This Generation?
In the battle for exclusive franchises and titles certain power moves have taken place over the last few years. Microsoft acquired Bethesda, thus inheriting all its multi-million-dollar properties. Microsoft would also pursue a deal with Electronic Arts in which it got the company’s games on its Game Pass ultimate subscription service at a low (if…
Phil Spencer On Elder Scrolls VI Xbox Exclusivity: “Not About Punishing” Sony
Microsoft’s historic (7.5 Billion Dollars) acquisition of Bethesda, last year, changed the gaming landscape. The Xbox brand went from having ‘Few exclusives’ to owning franchises like Doom, Dishonored, Fallout and The Elder Scrolls, among others. The buyout was good news for Xbox owners, but scary news for PlayStation loyalists who feared that the long awaited…
Throwback Bit Thursday: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim turned 10 today. Two console generations have passed since its 11/11/11 release date, and that makes Skyrim a prime candidate for a Throwback episode. Skyrim was a significant step forward for open-world games, and even legendary franchises, like Nintendo’s Zelda, took a lot from it when crafting its newer entries….
Starfield and Elder Scrolls 6 Xbox Exclusive? and Cyberpunk 2077’s Next Gen Update
This week, as we have previously speculated on NER since Bethesda’s buy out, industry insider, Jeff Grubb (VentureBeat), claimed that both Starfield, and The Elder Scrolls 6 will be Xbox ‘exclusive’ titles. The statement comes as Bethesda’s Pete Hines (SVP Marketing and Communications) made some lukewarm statements where he wasn’t specifically shutting out the PlayStation…
Bethesada Announces The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition
Novermber 11th, 2021 will mark the 10 year anniversary of what (along with The Witcher 3) is the most successful single player Role-Playing Game of the last decade, in Skyrim. It will also mark 10 years since we last received an original Elder Scrolls entry (the longest stretch of time without a main entry). But…
Todd Howard: The Elder Scrolls VI is in its Design Phase
Currently, Bethesda’s focus remains on its new massive role-playing game IP, Starfield. However, little is known about its most anticipated game, The Elder Scrolls VI. The Longest Wait Between Elder Scrolls Titles On November, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim will turn 10 years old. Skyrim has been the franchise’s most successful game, both commercially and…