The original PlayStation was home to many wonderful JRPGs. This week, we want to look at the top five based on the amount of copies sold. There’s a lot of Final Fantasy on this list, but I’m sure that does not surprise anyone. These numbers reflect sales on the PlayStation only, not any re-releases or…
Tag: Dragon Quest VII
Five Average PS1 JRPGs That You Might Have Enjoyed (and Even Loved)
*The criteria used for the selection of the five JRPG titles in this article is as follows: Any game that was scored under an 80 out of 100, but above a 60 out of 100 in its review ‘overall’ tally on the Never-Ending Realm is considered average. Games that appear on the list that have…
Dragon Warrior (Quest JP) VII (PS1) Review
I am free! That is the first thought that popped in my mind the moment after the credits rolled and the Message “the End” appeared on the screen. I had been brutalized, enslaved, and mentally imprisoned by the highest selling PS1 game of all time in Japan. The game? The 7th installment in the long running…