For the past few months, I have compiled several ‘Top 1-5″ and “Top 6-10” lists chronicling nearly every genre from nearly every console around. Most of these lists have used Metacritic as the barometer for the ranking system. Today, however, I am feeling bold, and a bit biased. So, I will risk the ire of…
Tag: Star Ocean: The Second Story
Throwback Bit Thursday: Star Ocean The 2nd Story
Enix’s Star Ocean series is one of the few J-RPG franchises that originated in the 16-bit era that remains, to this day, somewhat relevant on home consoles. While the latest entries have been disappointing as SO: The Last Hope, and Integrity and Faithlessness, have for the most part been fairly average RPGs. One thing that…
Star Ocean: The Second Story (PS1) Review
1999 was a huge year for RPGs, games like FFVIII, Grandia, Suikoden 2 and Lunar, all were released in that year. So it is forgivable that most of you missed a great RPG, (an argument can be made by some that the game was the best RPG of that year) by the name of Star…