While information on Final Fantasy VII Remake’s Part 2 has been kept under wraps, Tetsuya Nomura hinted at two important elements of the upcoming game on a recent Japanese Interview.
As Expected, Environments Filled With Green Lush Nature Will Make An Appearance

One of Final Fantasy VII’s most memorable, and defining moments back in 1997, was leaving the dark, futuristic, and depressing scenery of Midgar for the seemly open (it wasn’t open) lush green fully 3-D over-world Map.
It is highly doubtful that FFVIIR-2’s reimagined over-world will have anywhere near the same impact of the original. Square Enix’s title is unlikely to match the size and scope rivaling open world games that we have been accustomed to playing for the past decade. Nonetheless, it should be interesting to see the what direction the Remake heads to in the upcoming second part.
“Cloud will be running around a lot of nature” Nomura said when asked to reveal tidbits of information on the game. So yes, at least there is hope for another epic encounter with the Midgar Zolom.

Midgar, in the first part, was filled with uninspired filler content, and run of the mill side quests in order to extend its running time. It was one of the bigger flaws of the game.
Will Square Enix do the same here? Perhaps, the ability to visit towns like Junon, and Kalm while traversing around the wilderness will inspire Square Enix to make improvements in its side questing material.
Square Enix Wants You to Play Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade First
The PlayStation 5 only, FFVIIR Intergrade, appears to be a must-play if you want to be up to date with the events that happen right before the start of Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 2.
“Part 2’s Story will start right after the events of Intergrade, so we hope you enjoy Intergrade too!” Nomura stated on the interview. Nomura’s confirmation that Intergrade provides ‘meaningful’ story events before the second part of the “Remake” might prove disappointing to some, as PlayStation 5 consoles remain hard to find. Basically the game would force the game’s fans to upgrade to Sony’s new machine.
The game is a free update for those who own a copy of Final Fantasy VII Remake, which is good.
A Release Date Remains Elusive
It is difficult to say, but it is unlikely that we will see the next part in Final Fantasy VII’s alternate timeline sequel until at least 2022. In the meantime little bits of information released by its developers will continue to make headlines .
Here's my translation of Nomura's full comment about FF7R Part 2, taken from the FF7 The First Soldier #0 Stream
-Pt. 2 starts right after the events of Intergrade
-Cloud will be running around in the wild, different atmosphere than Pt. 1
-Development is going great pic.twitter.com/uqf6IOPWWq— ☆オードリーAudrey☆ (@aitaikimochi) May 7, 2021
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