2005 is here! It brings the last hurray of the short PS2, GC, and Xbox console cycle. In the home console space, the Xbox continued to dominate critical reception with its high-quality titles and superior rendition of multiplatform ports. The PlayStation 2 continued to punch above its pedestrian hardware specs by showcasing some impressive late…
Tag: Shadow of the Colossus
Throwback Bit Thursday: Shadow of the Colossus
It feels strange to write about Shadow of the Colossus as a “Throwback” game. Just this year, I played through its brilliant remake (Developed by Bluepoint). But Shadow of the Colossus turned 15 years old this month, and two console generations have passed us by in the meantime, thus making the PlayStation 2’s technical marvel,…
Shadow of the Colossus (PS2) Review
Shadow of the Colossus is the closest thing I have played to 1998’s GREAT The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, in this generation. Colossus, is innovative, huge, and simply a work of art. It also features a guy with a sword, a bow and Arrows, that rides on a horse across the open fields….