Xbox Game Pass, Microsoft’s game subscription service, already features a wide array of Japanese RPG games for its subscribers to enjoy. The list of games featured in the service is impressive, it includes modern greats such as Nier Automata, Dragon Quest XI, and Final Fantasy XV. So far, many SquareEnix developed games have been a…
Tag: SquareEnix
Throwback Bit Thursday: Final Fantasy VIII
In my lifetime, there have only been two game releases that had me more hyped up about them than I was back in 1999 for Final Fantasy VIII. Those games were Super Mario 64, and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. That I expected Final Fantasy VIII to stand proudly with those two masterpieces…
World of Final Fantasy: A Cute Nod to Final Fantasy
World of Final Fantasy: MAXIMA grabbed my attention soon after I purchased my Nintendo Switch. I have been a fan of JRPGs for as long as I can remember, especially the Final Fantasy series. This game is certainly more enjoyable if you have some Final Fantasy knowledge. Without it, you wouldn’t get as much joy…
Final Fantasy VIIR, Tetsuya Nomura, and The “Kingdom Hearts like Bulls*&^”
Warning Plot Spoilers Ahead: For starters, this isn’t a review of FFVIIR, I fear that a review of that particular title from myself, would end up being more like EGM’s review of the title in terms of its low score, than of some of other positive reviews on the net. Instead, this is an analysis…