The Dreamcast’s greatest Japanese role-playing game, and perhaps the best JRPG of the 2000s, is not as costly as other entries on this weekly series. However, purchasing a working copy (with case and booklets) of Skies of Arcadia remains a considerable investment in both of its versions.  Skies of Arcadia the Greatest JRPG of…
Tag: GameCube
Throwback Bit Thursday: Skies of Arcadia
The Dreamcast was a weird little system, not because there was anything wrong with it, but because it launched in the U.S. (9/9/1999) in the midst of late gen N64 software (which looked pretty good), and the beginnings of a massive PlayStation 2 hype campaign.  The Dreamcast needed to be massive sales success in order to…
The Top Ten Greatest Consoles of All-Time
Editor’s foreword: There are two separate rankings listed: The official ranking which is the ‘NER’ ranking, and the Personal Ranking. The entire list is mostly subjective, as quality of games and my experiences with said games are the biggest deciding factor in terms of ranking. However, the NER ranking takes many other things into consideration,…
Gamecube games’ list for winter 2003-2004
Mario Kart: Double Dash!! 1080° Avalanche Mario Party 5 Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Kirby: Air Ride Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords F-Zero: GX Pikmin 2 Starwars: Rebel Strike: Rogue Squadron III Viewtiful Joe Soul Calibur II Sonic Heros Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes Prince of Persia: The Sands of…
The End of a Console Era, Review of the Era and Predictions For the Upcoming War
Disclaimer: Specs and sales numbers were taken from, for the sake of accuracy, the rest of the article was written By Samuel Rivera the Editor in chief of the NER site, this article does NOT necessarily reflect the opinion of all the staff in the NER site. Only the opinions of the author are…
The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (GC) Review
This newest Legend of Zelda, has probably been the most controversial one and because of this I approached this game differently than I had approached any other of its predecessors. I can blame my lack of enthusiasm on the misconceptions I had on the Cel- Shaded look. However once I started playing I realized that…
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GC) Review
Hail to the King! Perfection is a hard thing to find in this world, and more so in the convoluted world of video games. However if there was ever a game in the medium that deserved a perfect score that game would probably be The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. In 1998 when the…
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64/GC) Review
Nothing in this world is perfect; everything that was, or is, has flaws. It is the law of nature; it is the law of life. This law also applies to video games as human beings who are hindered by these laws create them. That being said, something very special, in fact, something quite extraordinary…
The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask (N64/GC) Review
While the 16 bit era came and went with only one Zelda title, the legendary A Link to the Past, the 32-64 bit era was a bit kinder to Zelda fans as it featured two great Zelda titles. One of them was of course (Arguably) the greatest game of all time Ocarina of Time in…
The Legend of Zelda (NES/GC) Review
This was the game that began everything, not just the Zelda series, but everything. Every RPG, especially Action-RPGs that came after the original Legend of Zelda, took gameplay and level design ideas from it. In 1987 this game was nothing short of revolutionary, a lot like what Ocarina of Time was in 1998. However I…