The married and parenting life has many positives, but hours on end of gaming time is not among these positive perks. There comes a time in life when one comes to the sad (tragic really) realization that there are some beloved games that one will never be able to play again to their completion. It…
Tag: Grandia
Bottom 5 Of The Top 10 Best JRPGs On PlayStation According to Metacritic
Last week we looked at the top 5 JRPGS for the PlayStation based on their Metascores. This week, we are going to take a look at the next five on the list, wrapping up the top 10 best-rated JRPGs for the PlayStation console. Final Fantasy Chronicles – Metascore 89 Okay, so this game compilation technically…
Throwback Bit Thursday: Grandia
1997’s Grandia, touted to be the Sega Saturn’s answer to Final Fantasy VII, is a legitimately great Japanese Role-Playing game in its own right. The Saturn version holds an 87% GameRankings meta score. As a spiritual sequel to GameArts’ own Lunar Series, Grandia had some big boots to fill. Not Quite the “Final Fantasy VII…
Grandia (SAT/PS1) Review
Grandia was Sega Saturn’s answer to the PS’s FFVII, it was an RPG that was promised to eclipse any RPG before it, and while it’s not as good as FFVII, it comes close and it is one of those few RPGs that can be defined as a classic. Being that the Saturn was almost on…