This is a Pseudo News/Opinionated article. The news part is that FFVII: Rebirth’s director confirmed what we all have speculated since the end of Final Fantasy VII: Remake…Which is that Final Fantasy VII: “Remake” was more of a sequel with a “remade” timeline, as he let it slip that Rebirth’s take on the events that…
JRPG stands for Japanese Role-Playing Game. This unique genre of game combines the Western RPG or Role-Playing Game genre first popularized by Dungeons and Dragons with Eastern storytelling and cultural references often seen in anime or manga. JRPGs are almost exclusively made in Japan.
Read all of NER’s articles about JRPGs here!
Final Fantasy VII’s Cast Depth Helped in Improving the Writing of Baldur Gate 2’s Companions
While it might be hard to believe now, before the Witchers, Elder Scrolls, Mass Effects of the world, Japanese RPGs were known for their great stories, and writing focused on deep character development. No game was more popular, and did those things better than Final Fantasy VII (Xenogears fans might disagree). How influential was Final…
PS4/5 and PC FFVII: Remake Hits 7 Million Units Shipped-Can Rebirth Right The Ship?
Square Enix announced this week (after terrible market value news last week) that it has shipped 7 million Final Fantasy VII: Remake/Intergrade copies for PS4, PS5 and PC. The number also includes digital sales. This are hopeful news for a company that lost close to $2 billion in market value over the last few months….
Square Enix Loses Close to $2bn in Market Value Since Final Fantasy XVI’s Release
According to the Video Game Chronicle, Square Enix’s stock has dropped 30% from its peak value this year. The slump took place in the months following Final Fantasy XVI’s release, and it closed at its lowest value (since May 2022) on Wednesday. Square Enix’s downfall since its the release of its biggest AAA title of…
Games That Will Cost You a Kidney: Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete
So, it hasn’t been uncommon on this section of “expensive” retro games, to see Working Designs published titles making the rounds. These games were fairly pricey during their heyday (given their premium packaging), and today – in part due to said packaging – these games can run for a few hundred dollars. Lunar: Silver Star…
Tears of the Kingdom is A True Gaming Marvel, but is it the Greatest Zelda Game Ever? My Review and Verdict
On 12th May 2023, almost 4 years of painstaking waiting came to its anticipated conclusion. The release of the Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom was finally upon us. I made sure to wake up extra early that day, and before work, drove all the way to my nearest Game shop, waiting in line…
News Round-Up: Baldur’s Gate 3 Challenges Zelda, FFXVI Falls Short in Sales Expectations, and is Xbox Series S Holding Back the Series X?
Regrettably, I might have underestimated Baldur’s Gate 3’s potential as a GotY contender when I proclaimed a few weeks ago that only Starfield remained – as a yet to be released title – posing a serious challenge to Nintendo’s Masterpiece (The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom). Baldur’s Gate has arrived on PC, and…
Tears of The Kingdom sells 18.5 Million Copies While Moving 3.9 Million Nintendo Switch Units
This year 2023 has been one for the ages, as Nintendo continues to dominate the Video Game market with strong sales of one its of top tier franchises in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, while its Super Mario Mario Bros. film generated over a billion dollars at the box office. With the…
Yoshida: There is Negativity and Malice From a Segment of Final Fantasy Fans
Producer Naoki Yoshida, has read your (or at least from some fans) responses regarding his latest game, Final Fantasy XVI. Needless to say, he is not pleased. According to tweets from Audrey (who translated Yoshida’s comments from a mini documentary), Yoshida is frustrated by the ‘hate’ that he has received from a segment of the…
Final Fantasy XVI Review: The Most Entertaining Final Fantasy in Decades
Yoshida, and Creative Business Unit III, crafted an experience in Final Fantasy XVI, that in my opinion, delivers a storyline, and audio/visual presentation on par with some of Sakaguchi’s best work. Yes, in my opinion, Final Fantasy XVI is a worthy successor to Final Fantasy X (XI, and XIV were online entries, FFXII was great,…